
FENStatS News

Webinar Series Continues to Democratize Statistical Knowledge

event date: 2023-12-13You are invited to free webinars with a full support of resources aimed at democratizing statistical knowledge.

The American Statistical Association has launched an interesting project of organizing open and free seminars on a bimonthly basis to provide educational opportunities and disseminate a multitude of statistical topics.

A total of four webinars have been held in the recent past:

  • “Positioning Household Surveys for the Next Decade: Data Integration and Inclusion” by Talip Kilic and Papa Seck.
  • “Causal Inference in Statistics: Why, What, and How” by Erica Moodie.
  • “Introduction to Bayesian Modeling of Epidemics: From Population to Individual-Level Models” by Rob Deardon.
  • “An Overview of Some Methods for Statistical Analysis with Missing Data” by Rod Little.

The resources (recordings & slides) are available here: link.

The upcoming webinar “An Introduction to Time Series Analysis via Dynamic Linear Models” by Raquel Prado is scheduled for December 13, 2023 - 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. ET.

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